Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prostate Cancer

It seems cancer has been an epidemic amongst my friends and family recently. In January I buried my great friend Brutus. On April 25th I buried my grandfather - who passed away due to Prostate Cancer. My grandmother has Uterine Cancer. My good friend Korrin Stanek has dealt with cancer that has infected her friends and family. Donnie & Heather Stapleton, who know cancer all to well, recently discovered that there mother Margo has Colon Cancer. And now - my father has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. His surgery was May 5th to have his prostate removed. The doc says they discovered everything extremely early so things are looking positive. That's a tough sell to my dad considering he had to say goodbye to his father less than a month ago. Although I truly feel he will beat this (as will Margo) this is yet another reminder to appreciate the people you are close to. Never forget to tell people you love them. Give free hugs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please have your family members and friends go to http://www.pmri.org. This site is for Dr. Ornish's Preventative Medicine Research Institute.

Dr. Ornish is the doctor who has done the research that proves diet and lifestyle modification can and will halt the progression of cancer.

The main culprit of cancer is a nutritional deficient immune system, once you begin to feed your body food that has all of the elements (minerals) in it that nature intended, miraulous things begin to happen in our bodies.

There are abstracts on Pubmed from Dr. Ornish you can refer to as well. When I first read the results of his study, for the first time I believed we are looking at the cure to cancer, it's right here in front of us and it's nutrition.

I hope this helps, my best to you, your family and friends.


11:43 AM  

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