Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Going to see Brutus...

The weekend of October 26-28th Brendan and I (along with a few others) decided to take a trip to Chicago to see our dear friend Brett "Brutus" Armin. Brut has been battling cancer for some time so we decided to spend a weekend with him and try to lift his spirits.

Imagine our surprise when a limo showed up on Sunday morning with three free tickets to the Bear vs. Lions game. Apparently Brut's old employer from Los Angeles wanted us to have a fabulous day on their tab.

Brendan and Brutus got field passes

Don't tell my family I wore an Urlacher jersey!

After the game we went to Gibson's Steakhouse. $500 later we were full.

It was great to see Brett. He's an amazing guy. I can't wait to see him again in December!


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