Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wow...I'm a crappy blogger!

I just realized I have this blog and have only posted one entry. Man do I suck at this. Well here is what's going on in my world...

I bought myself a new TV:

I finally got into the iPod generation:

My DirtCutter football team is kicking butt:

Jarvy is coming back for good:

And the holiday season is upon us...

For those of you scoring at home here are my tentative plans for my holiday break. I'm planning on leaving St. Paul and arriving in Onalaska on Sunday evening (Xmas Eve). My plan is to stay in O-town through the morning/afternoon of Wednesday Dec. 27th. Wednesday afternoon I believe Derek Kruse and I are going to drive down to Madison. We'll stay in Wisconsin's capital through the morning of Friday Dec. 29th. At that time we will make a return voyage to Ona for my dad's 50th birthday party. Sometime Saturday afternoon I should make my way back to the Twin Cities. And guess what Sunday December 31st is?

Sunday December 31st is time to party:

I think that should cover it for now. I'll try to post more often in the future.

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm rather disappointed to see that while you do have the top scoring defense, you don't have the top scoring offense. for shame.


2:06 PM  

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