Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"We Try Hard" to grow mustaches...

On Monday July 14th the "We Try Hard" summer season came to an end. Although we played fairly well during the season we decided to crap our pants in the playoffs. Going to the last game of our season we decided there was only one thing a group of grown men could do to stop a softball losing streak - GROW MUSTACHES!

It worked. We won.

My mom would be so proud.

Roommates - Ace & Gary.

Nice try Steve. Jared keep it goin' buddy!

Our cheering squad. I don't think they loved the mustache idea all that much.

Shawn, Justin and I decided to hit a dive bar to pick up some classy ladies.

Good times. I'd make an excellent cop.

Chicago Cubs - 2008

Alicia and I spent July 11th-13th in Chicago, IL (Wicker Park) with our friends Drew & Katie Kurtz and there one year old daughter Reyna.

This was Alicia's first outdoor professional baseball game so she was super excited!

Katie got us great tickets on the 1st base side.

After a dreary morning the weather changed for the better and it ended up being a nice afternoon.

Group shots...

Cubs WIN 8-7 in 11 innings!!

Can't come to a Cubs game and not pose for a picture on Wiener Street.

Thanks to the Kurtz family for a great weekend! You have a beautiful home and Reyna is gorgeous. Look forward to seeing you in August.

July 4th Weekend & LaCrosse Riverfest

Alicia and I brought Alicia's sister Malinda and her dog Maggy back to LaCrosse for the July 4th weekend. We thought it would be fun to introduce Maggy to McKinley as well as show Malinda the Coulee Region. I think Malinda just wanted to head to Riverfest in order to watch Slaughter but that's just my opinion.

Maggy loved the river and swimming!

We lucked out. It was a very beautiful, relaxing weekend. Malinda & Maggy are welcome to come visit anytime.

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom, Lori Anderson, turned 50 years old on June 22nd. We celebrated the event on Saturday June 28th at Coulee Golf Bowl in Onalaska. Nothing like friends & family, bowling and beer to celebrate a half-century of kicking butt and taking names!

Isaac Stapleton made an appearance. Ever since I put him in a Minnesota Vikings shirt he seems to cry when I pick him up. I must remind him that he's doomed for a lifetime of GB Packer allegiance.

Opening one of many amusing presents...

Thanks to everyone who stopped by. It was a great night. Hope everyone had fun.

Twins vs. Brewers (Minneapolis style)

Friday June 27th brought Jared Flewellen's bachelor party (version 2). He decided to have a 2nd party in the Twin Cities to allow more of his local friends to attend. We all went in on a suite for the Twins vs. Brewers game in the Metrodome. Highlights included keg stands, illegal seating assignments, unlimited game time beer, getting home fairly early and fortunately missing Shawn's moving projectile vomiting show. Good times yet again.