Monday, January 19, 2009

Meet Steve & Cindi Pehowski

On Saturday October 25th Cindi Hoch married Steve Pehowski in Green Bay, WI. It was great to see a number of people that I hadn't seen in a while. Also - it was Alicia's first real trip to Green Bay. It was eye opening to say the least.

Jarvy and I had the pleasure of DJing the reception

And then there was the after party...

Congrats to Steve & Cindi! Look forward to seeing you soon.

Stefanie Igtanloc 1979-2008

On Thursday October 16th my friend Stefanie (Anderson) Igtanloc passed away at the age of 29 after a 12-month battle with ovarian cancer. She was a college friend of mine from Osseo, MN. She was one of the nicest people around and was taken from us way too soon.
We will all miss you Stef. Rest in peace.

Beautiful Fall Day...

It's Saturday October 11th and it's a gorgeous Fall day. What do you do?

Go on a nice hike through Afton State Park
Follow it up by heading to The Village Pub for the "We Try Hard" Fall Beer Bust!

I love the Fall!

"Shooter" Shawn Buehre's 30th Birthday Party

On Friday October 10th my good friend Shawn Buehre turned 30. His girlfriend Ciera threw a surprise party for him at Maxwell's Pub. Many of our good friends showed up for the shindig.

Here is Shawn, Shawn's mom and I
The crew. Someone must have locked Easton outside.

Happy birthday bud!

Leech Lake 2008

I spent September 30th through October 2nd in Walker,MN with my buddy Joe Tuccitto. I typically go fishing with Joe a couple of days before he closes his cabin for the winter. This year I got really lucky fishing and pulled out some monster walleyes.

I know I'm not going to pull fish like this out of the lake every year. Here is photographic evidence that it happened once.

Oktoberfest 2008

Can you believe it?!? Oktoberfest has come and gone again! This year it we were in LaCrosse over the weekend of Sept. 26-28th and we brought a couple of newbies (Malinda, Zach & Easton).

Another year on the drums
Our "drinking shirts"

Zach, Easton and I

My sister is "special"

Alicia & Donnie. I can't remember the last time Donnie made it festing.

Another year down and more memories. Looking forward to next year!

Twins vs. White Sox

On September 25th Jon Wrolstad and I attended a great baseball game at the Metrodome.

I think Jon set the scene and described the game the best...

"Okay, I have to set the stage for this post... Mike and I are big Twins fans and with 6 games left in the season we trailed the White Sox by 2.5 games. The Twins had the White Sox at home for 3 games and if they won all 3 they would take the division lead and be playoff bound. So I called Mike and said if they win the first 2 games we should go to the 3rd game. The Twins won the first game. The second game was close and it wasn't on TV here so I was "watching" it on GameCast. Before I even knew who won (GameCast was going really slow) Mike called with the good news, we won! So we got tickets for the 3rd game. We go to the game, it starts off a little slow. Then we go to get beer and hot dogs and the Twins are down 1-6 when we come back. Apparently the Twins only like to win when we are watching them. So it was the fourth inning and we were down, but Mike and I remained hopeful. We slowly start coming back and in the 8th inning Gomez and Span tie up the game with a single and a triple. The crowd is going nuts at this point. Top of the 9th and 10th we bring in Joe Nathan. The White Sox can do nothing. Bottom of the 10th Casilla drove in Punto to win the game and take first place in the division. All we need to do is beat the hapless Royals and we are in the playoffs and have a lot of momentum behind us.... At least that is how it should have gone, but we ended up in a one-game playoff with the White Sox that is at Chicago due to our poor coin-flip calling abilities and didn't make the playoffs. Despite the rest of the season, it was the best baseball game that I have ever been to. I'm already looking forward to next year!"

Erin "Peck"ermen turns 30!

On September 20th Erin "Peck" Zimmerman celebrated her 30th birthday at The Lion's Pub in Minneapolis. I grew a fu for the occasion. Good times.

NFL Season Begins - Vikings @ Packers

Thanks to Cindi & Steve, Jarvy and I were able to attend the September 8th Monday night season opening game at Lambeau Field. It was my first game at Lambeau Field since 1996.

Although the Vikings lost it was a really good time. I have a feeling Minnesota will get the last laugh (because I'm posting this in January). Thanks again Cindi & Steve!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Labor Day Weekend 2008

Alicia and I spent Labor Day weekend in Onalaska, WI. We had a couple of wedding scheduled - ironically they were both at the same church.

On Saturday August 30th we attended the wedding of my high school friend Shawn Harper. It was great to see some faces I hadn't seen in a long time
Shawn & I
Alicia & I enjoying the reception
Congrats to Shawn & Tina Harper!
Alicia & I spent the next morning playing with McKinley (who is now 7 months old). I think he had a good time on our hike but I think he enjoyed the left over bubbles from Shawn Harper's wedding the most. He chased those things for hours.

Later that day we got all dressed up again in order to attend the wedding of Jonathan Wrolstad & Danielle Sullivan (Chad's cousin). I had the honor of being an usher in the wedding.
The Ushers - Kevin Miller, Jarvy & I

Alicia & I posing at the reception
The dance was a really fun time. People actually spent some time on the dance floor!
Rob & Jen McGarry with Alicia & I
After the wedding Rob McGarry and I thought it would be a great idea to climb the huge sunfish that sits off of Lake Onalaska. The fish is actually pretty big. Perhaps it was the booze but it was much harder to get to the top of the damn thing then we initially anticipated.
Yet another fun weekend. Congrats to Jon & Danielle Wrolstad.
Guess what? Next time I'll be in Onalaska/LaCrosse it'll be Oktoberfest. Heck yeah!

Brett Armin Sarcoma Foundation & BAMFA Weekend 2008

On Friday August 22nd the Brett Armin Sarcoma Foundation held their 1st fundraising golf tournament just outside of Chicago, IL. Many of Brutus's friends traveled to Chicago to make the event

Hart & Drew
Nalini & Katie
Corey, Brendan & Robin
The fellas from the Twin Cities - Jarvy, Tapper, Shawn, Zimm & I
After we played in the golf tournament we hit up some local establishments. We all must have been having a great time because Katie Kurtz wound up dancing on the bar and...
Corey passed out in the hallway of our hotel with his pants undone.

On Saturday August 23rd we all spent the evening at Roy & Glenda Armin's house. They volunteered to host the 1st annual BAMFA Fantasy Football Draft. We all really appreciated the hospitality.
It was great to see everyone. I did find myself really missing Brutus though. I'm sure he is really proud of the money his foundation is raising for Sarcoma research. I hope this is an event and a weekend that we all have for many years to come.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Europe 2008

Since Derek & Nicole decided to get married in both the United States and Germany Alicia and I thought it would be fun to plan a vacation around the German wedding. We departed Minneapolis on Thursday August 7th and planned a trip that would include London, Dublin, Berlin, smaller German cities and Prague. We returned to Minneapolis the evening of Wednesday August 20th. Since this was both of our first times in Europe we were very excited. We had a great time and took lots of pictures. Here are some of them...

Big Ben with The London Eye in the background and Parliament in the foreground
Me standing in front of Admiralty Arch. This was only a couple of blocks from our hotel.
Houses of Parliament
Me (the giant) standing in one of the many wee English pubs we visited
Buckingham Palace

Overall London was our favorite place. The weather was cold and overcast for most of our visit but we really enjoyed ourselves. We hope to visit again in the near future and plan much more time to see the city. Oh yeah - and we'll pack much warmer clothes.


The River Liffey that runs through the heart of Dublin.

Campanile and Trinity College courtyard
Me standing in front of Christ Church (built in 1030)
The gates leading to the Guinness Brewery (built in 1759)
A view of Dublin (from the Guinness Brewery Pub)
Jameson Whiskey Distillery

Inside a typical Irish pub
They say that Guinness tastes different in Ireland. They are right! That's a tasty beverage. All in all Dublin was super fun. We enjoy the sites and the friendly people. We would definitely go back.
Me standing in front of the East Side Gallery which is the inner portion of the Berlin Wall. This is the only stretch of the wall that still stands. It is used as an artistic view of what the wall used to be.
The Reichstag Building - built in 1894 and housed the first parliament of the German Empire.
The Berlin Cathedral
Checkpoint Charlie - this is what you read before you cross from West Berlin into East Berlin.
We took a day trip 45 minutes outside Berlin to Potsdam, Germany. This is Heather, Donnie and Alicia at Park Sanssouci in Potsdam.
Park Sanssouci windmill
Schloss Sanssouci at Park Sanssouci in Potsdam
Of course we consumed MANY German beers!
From Berlin we took a train to Waldenburg, Germany. This is the city in which Derek and Nicole would get married, again. Chad, Liz, Jarvy, Kelsey and Justin joined Donnie, Heather, Alicia and I there. The first night we were in town Nicole's family had all of us over for dinner. Pictured below are the guys getting reacquainted with one another.

Heather, Nicole, Marina (Nicole's German friend) and Alicia
Derek and Justin mocking the Wep's girls
After we left the Wep's house we headed to our cabins for an after party. Here are Donnie, Nicole, Derek and I stopping for a photo opportunity.
Time for the wedding, site - Waldenburg Castle
Alicia and I before the wedding
Nicole & Derek after the ceremony preparing for the champagne toast.
It is a tradition to have the bride and groom saw a log in half to show teamwork in their first task together. I think their first task was a little more difficult then they anticipated.
Another German tradition included a race to cut out half of a heart drawn on a bed sheet. Nicole got the big scissors and Derek got ones that were intended for an infant. Of course Nicole won the race. After they both finished cutting Derek carried Nicole through the heart. I think that meant something but I'm not sure.
Instead of a guestbook, guests had their picture taken with their faces inside this picture frame. Looks like I missed the memo detailing the need to smile.
Derek, Monica (Derek's mom) and I during the reception.
Germany was the most fun place we visited but we put it in a different category than London, Dublin and Prague due to the amount of time we spent there and the amount of friends we knew. Alicia and I are looking forward to going back in 2010!

Sunset on the River Vltava
Me standing by the famous "Piss" Sculpture. Needs no explanation.
Prague skyline
Wallenstein Palace and Gardens
Wallenstein Grotesquery (Dripstone Wall)

Prague's famous Astronomical Clock. This clock does a little dancer every hour with the 12 apostles dancing, death ringing a bell and a rooster doing who knows what.
The Dancing House
Alicia and I looking over southern Prague
Crazy Freud sculpture. Yes he is hanging off a building.
Amazing shot of Wenceslas Square at night
Prague was absolutley breathtaking. It's amazing what a city can look like when it has been untouched by war. The weather in Prague was much nicer as well. It felt good to wear shorts. Also - 24 Koruna ($1.50) bought a half liter of beer. Sign me up!
Europe was a great experience. Congrats to Derek & Nicole on their second wedding. Alicia and I truly can't wait to go back to see all our friends (old and new). Hopefully it doesn't take us another 29 years to get there again.